The Music of My Mind

" that night there was music in my mind, and through music my soul began to soar, and I've heard as I've never heard before..."

Monday, April 30, 2007

"I'm glad you're with me Sam, here at the end of all things."

Well here I sit in my butterfly chair that resembles Cookie Monster. It's 11:46 pm on the final day of April 2007 as I commence typing this.

Classes are over. Exams will be beginning soon. Its hard to believe that my first two semesters of college are over...

I'll be going home in the evening on 8 May. However, fret not, I will be returning to Knoxville on 20 May to move into my sub let. How ahhhmazing. Then its time to start working at American Eagle.

In celebration of this apartment... I'm going to do something rather bold and rather painful tomorrow morning. :-D

CSI is back on now.
